Mid-Life Therapy

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39 is the old age of youth and 40 is the youth of old; or something like that. This is a diary...no.... This is an autobiography...not really.... This is about making ones time on earth a bit more interesting. It’s about not letting artificial barriers get in the way. About a guy who went through his mid life crisis in his twenties and now, at the ripe age of 40, feels a need to try some new challenges to makes sure he is still breathing.

I want to take a year to create some extra inspiration for myself (and hopefully inspire some other people along the way). This will make little sense to most, but there are some that will relate to the need to place ourselves outside of our comfort zones from time to time and make sure were not ‘wallowing in our moppishness...’

I have always lived by a rather morbid code which is simply, that if I get hit by a bus tomorrow and the moments of my life flash in front of my eyes what will I remember? That is in the back of my mind every day. I'll keep my moments to myself but my special times don't involve sitting in front of the TV watching Nat Geo and wondering what other places & cultures are like. So for this monumental year I have decided to make sure to continue chasing those unique moments and thus this idea was born. My 40th isn't about buying a corvette, a gold chain or an eye tuck, rather it's a reminder that life is short and we have but one opportunity to make the most of it. So stop talking about what would be fun or rewarding and go do the things you always wanted to do.

And remember, I might try to climb a mountain or attempt a marathon swim, but I don’t have a family (my husky is understanding)...so I can take the time to engage in time consuming challenges. If I did have kids I would likely take on more logical challenges...like a marathon, losing (or gaining in my case) weight, taking my kids hiking or to the zoo, etc. The point is to do some of the things you've always said you were going to do, but never got around to. So this is meant to be the inspiration...that little extra push to get going. So from the moment you read this...no more remarks that ‘you just don’t have time,’ or ‘your husband/wife/partner doesn’t like to travel (or get wet...or exercise...or (fill in excuse here_____)...just get up, plan and move....

Just in case I will include info on how to get involved in the particular fun filled challenges that I chose...and feel free pass along any personal suggestions (results) of your own...or start planning for next year....
